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choices womens medical

Reports from Russia

For decades, Merle Hoffman has taken great interest in the state of reproductive care in Russia. On her last trip, she brought a delegation from Choices, state-of-the-art abortion technology, and her profound concept of Patient Power. Years later, she is still encouraging women to embrace themselves as experts of their own experiences.

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Tie a Purple Ribbon for Domestic Violence

The Choices October 2018 Newsletter covers the topics of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, GOOD MENTAL HEALTH ESSENTIAL FOR OVERALL HEALTH By Merle Hoffman, TODAY MOSCOW—TOMORROW THE WORLD, ENDING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, and Recent Visitors to Choices.

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CHOICES Stands Firm Despite Court Ruling

My Urgent Message now is to assure all of you in our Choices community and the broader reproductive rights/reproductive justice movement, that Choices Women’s Medical Center will never retreat from our commitment to continue to provide the very best and most comprehensive women’s healthcare.

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Out of the Closet— One by One

Is New York supportive of abortion rights? As one of the first states to legalize it and as a state considered the “Abortion Capital of America,” one might think so. But if you looked at what happens at Choices every Saturday morning you could have another view. Even before I moved to our current location on Jamaica Avenue in 2012, the large organized anti-abortion protests began.

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Merle Hoffman: Courage In The Face Of Hate

Activist and journalist Merle Hoffman had been instrumental in the fight for women’s healthcare and reproductive rights long before the conversation was being had on a national scale. For more than 40 years, Hoffman has made tremendous sacrifices to ensure that women have a say when sweeping political decisions take place.

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Medicaid Coverage and Abortion: What You Need to Know

Choices Women’s Medical Center offers women of all cultures, nationalities, gender identity and ages a full range of gynecological testing and treatment services, as well as health education, prenatal care, and abortion services to 24 weeks. Choices is also one of the abortion clinics that accepts Medicaid and enrolls patients on-site for Medicaid Coverage in the state of New York.

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