The benefits of exercise during pregnancy have been well documented. Not only does a regular exercise program strengthen and tone the muscles, it helps relieve tension, as well as the aches and pains many women experience during pregnancy. Exercising while pregnant has also been shown to promote an easier delivery, a more rapid recovery, and maximizes metabolism. The aim of an exercise program during pregnancy is to establish and maintain a level of general good health and fitness. It should not be used as a means of weight loss. Pregnancy is never a good time to diet. There are, however, some activities that should be completely avoided during pregnancy. They include risky activities such as surfing, scuba diving, rough terrain mountain biking, skydiving, snow skiing, platform diving, and high-altitude mountain climbing. Activities that carry a high risk of falls or injury should be avoided. They include horseback riding, contact sports such as basketball, baseball, football, and volleyball, inline or ice-skating and racquet sports such as racquetball, tennis or squash.
If no exercise was practiced before becoming pregnant, consult your CHOICES provider before beginning an exercise routine. Almost any type of exercise is safe if done in moderation. Keep in mind, however, that pregnant women are more susceptible to injury due to hormonal influences that cause joints and ligaments to become more lax than usual. There are several, recreational activities that are excellent for beginner exercisers. They include yoga, brisk walking, golf, swimming, and stationary bicycling.
The following exercises should be avoided:
- Exercises that require jumping, jarring motions or rapid changes in direction
- Exercises done lying flat on the back should be avoided after the first trimester. This position could allow the uterus to compress the large blood vessel returning blood to the heart. This situation can interfere with blood flow to the uterus and fetus.
- Strenuous exercise should be avoided in hot, humid weather, or during illness.
- A pregnant woman’s temperature should not exceed 100.4 while exercising. To ensure this, she should drink plenty of water and avoid running outside in the heat of the day.
There are certain conditions in pregnancy, which would make it unwise to engage in an exercise program. Therefore, it is best to consult your CHOICES Provider for guidelines.
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- History of fetal growth restriction
If any of the following conditions are present, exercise should be avoided completely:
- Ruptured membranes
- Preterm labor
- Vaginal bleeding
- History of 3 or more spontaneous miscarriages
- Heart or lung disease