Please take a moment to review these important reminders for the day of your appointment. Failure to follow these instructions may result in the cancellation and rescheduling of your appointment.
Our providers are very experienced, and many are female. They use the best and safest abortion methods available, and CHOICES has won high ratings for safety and care.
Your abortion care, your concerns and all your personal information will be kept completely private.
There are no waiting periods, age restrictions or permission needed from parents or partners. Abortion Care at CHOICES is affordable. Help is available. You can apply for Emergency Medicaid in our office for an abortion that day. All insurances are accepted, and reasonable self-pay plans are available. We work with Abortion Funding Sources to make sure no one will be turned away.
Your questions and needs are our priority. Licensed clinical social workers will meet with you to discuss all your concern.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these frequently asked questions…
For the next 14 days, do not have sexual intercourse and do not put anything in your vagina. Do not take baths and do not douche. No tampons. Don’t do anything that might expose you to infection, and don’t do anything that could tire you out and lower your resistance to infection.
If your temperature is 100.4F or more, call us 8am–10pm.
That should go away in a few days. Please call us if it doesn’t. The morning following your abortion, you should resume normal activities. Feel free to return to work or school, take a shower, and resume activities such as walking or driving.
Most women who have abortions start menstruating again 4 to 6 weeks afterwards. Some menstruate sooner. If you do not menstruate after 8 weeks, come to CHOICES. Please remember that you will be able to get pregnant as soon as you ovulate again, which will be 12 to 16 days before you get your period. That means you will be able to get pregnant again within days of your abortion.
You might experience bleeding during the next 10–14 days. If you do bleed, a period-like flow is normal. It may stop and start, and the flow is often very dark red in color. Strenuous activity can increase bleeding.
If you soak through more than 2 sanitary napkins in 1 hour, you are experiencing heavy bleeding, and you should call us immediately.
If you are soaking through 2 or more sanitary napkins in 1 hour, you are bleeding heavily. Call us between 8am-10pm.
Some women don’t bleed or have bleeding that stops and starts. However, if you are not bleeding and also experiencing severe cramps, call us between 8am-10pm.
You might experience moderate cramping for a few days. You can take Tylenol (or any other aspirin-free pain medication) every 4 hours and use a heating pad on your abdomen over your clothes. If you don’t feel relief after 4 hours, or if you experience sharp abdominal pain, call us.
Seek CHOICES advice or care if the following occur:
Call 718-786-5000 between 8:00 am-10:00 pm. Patients may speak to the nurse by remaining on the line for the after-hours representative. If emergency care is needed after 10:00 pm, please visit your nearest emergency room.
Wet your mouth and put 2 pills on one side of your mouth and 2 pills on the other, between your gums and cheek at the same time. Allow them to dissolve.
After 30 min, swallow what’s left.
Cramping and bleeding normally start within 4 hours. It can last for hours and is heaviest when the pregnancy comes out. You may not see small pregnancies, which are only up to half an inch.
Bleeding: May start and stop for a few days or weeks. You may bleed like a normal menstrual period for 1 to 2 weeks. You should have your normal period again 4 to 8 weeks later.
Cramping: You will cramp less and less as the hours and days go by.
Nausea: This should go away in 1 to 2 days after you take misoprostol.
Fever and Chills: You may have a fever and chills the day you take the misoprostol pills. Call us if your fever gets higher than 100.4 F.
Activity: Normal activities like school, work, and driving can occur as soon as you feel up to it.
Breast Changes: Tenderness and a milky discharge may occur for 1 to 2 days.
Feeling Tired: You may feel tired for 1 to 2 days.
Our team of board-certified medical professionals and support staff offer safe, trusted, comprehensive care and services at the highest level. Our state-of-the-art facility is located in the heart of Jamaica Queens, NY.
Schedule an appointment with CHOICES today.
Choices Women’s Medical Center is committed to meeting the needs of our patients, regardless of age, gender identity, nationality, or culture, in a safe, comfortable environment that is completely confidential.
Website & SEO By: Partners For Choice
Choices is closed on Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25th, 2024, and New Year’s Day, Wednesday, January 1st, 2025. We will reopen for normal business hours the following day after each holiday. Click the button below to contact us or learn more about scheduling an appointment.