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Choices Women’s Medical Center presents their blog of information on women’s health topics including abortion, LGBTQ issues, STIs and specialized women’s healthcare.

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“Abortion is health care: Queens leaders rally in support of women’s reproductive health care and abortion rights” – Article from QNS

“Abortion is health care: Queens leaders rally in support of women’s reproductive health care and abortion rights”

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“The storm over the cancellation of the right to abortion in the USA: “Democracy is now under test” – Article from the Maariv

Read More Here: Source: Uncle Patimer, “”The …

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Merle Hoffman in “Election Night in America: #Midterms 2022” – Interview with Dirty Moderate Nation

Watch Here (Timestamp 3:28:30): Source: “Andrew Epstein, …

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Merle Hoffman On “The Michael Slate Show”

Listen Here: Slate, Michael, “Merle Hoffman On …

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50 Years of Choices (1971-2021)

It was 1971, 50 years ago, one half …

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Choices Is Open – Choices Is Safe

These times are stressful for everyone. We know patients are very concerned…

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Choices for Texas Women

If you live in Texas and need a …

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How CHOICES Keeps the Torch of Women’s Healthcare Blazing

Choices Women’s Medical Center has a multitude of …

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A Message From Merle

Courage, Compassion, and COVID: Choices Moves into its 50th Year

Founded in 1971 (two years prior to Roe …

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Birth Control Options: What IUD Is Good for Me?

There are many forms of birth control available …

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Health Risks for African-American Mothers and Babies

How racism in healthcare is putting the lives of black women at risk.

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A Tale of Courage and Heroism

What is it like being on the front lines of the pandemic?

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Essential Choices Need Essential Service: Choices is Open for You!

We know everyone is concerned and stressed about the COVID-19 pandemic: How to stay safe and…

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A Message From Merle

We are all warriors now…

We are all warriors now… This Covid-19 virus …

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As U.S. Restrictions Tighten, Women Seeking Abortions Hit the Road

Nearly a half century ago, women with unwanted pregnancies would cross state lines seeking abortions that were legal in New York but banned in many other states across the country. Now new restrictions on abortion access are forcing women in several states to take similar measures and travel far from home to end pregnancies, health-care providers and supporters said. “We’ve had patients from Texas, from Georgia. We’ve had a patient from Alabama,” said Merle Hoffman, who runs Choices Women’s Medical Center, which provides abortions, in New York City.

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New York City Shows the Way – Will Spend $250,000 for Abortions

When some members of the New York City Council heard about all the abortion restrictions being passed by other states, they wanted to do something. One Councilmember, Carlina Rivera, told the NY Times that many in NY felt “helpless.”

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Wombs for rent? Babies to buy? NOT in New York State!

hoices Founder/President Merle Hoffman joined over 100 women leaders in writing and circulating a powerful letter to NY Governor Cuomo urging him to stop supporting a bill legalizing commercial surrogacy.

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Contraception Magazine to Feature Results of New TelAbortion Study

Choices Women’s Medical Center participated in a TelAbortion study organized by Gynuity Health Project. Esther Prigue, LCSW, and Administrator and Head of Counseling at Choices was part of the Project Team. Contraception Magazine will feature results of the study in their upcoming issue.

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Choices Out-of-Town Program Becomes News Internationally

The Guardian, a British daily newspaper with international circulation and a U.S. edition, featured Choices’ Out-of-Town Program in its July 4 article about women traveling across state lines for abortions in New York.

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Veteran Feminists of America (VFA) Honors Merle Hoffman

Choices Founder, President, & CEO, Merle Hoffman is featured In the VFA Pioneer Histories Project, Second Wave activists, sharing her personal history of fighting for women’s health for decades, and the development of the Philosophy of Patient Power.

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