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Choices Women’s Medical Center presents their blog of information on women’s health topics including abortion, LGBTQ issues, STIs and specialized women’s healthcare.

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New Briefs Support New York Attorney General’s Appeal

The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) and the City of New York have each filed Amicus Curiae briefs in support of the NY Attorney General’s case that is currently on appeal.

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Choices Hits Switzerland

Merle Hoffman is featured in “Abortion, a new American cultural war,” an article in the French-language Epaper Le Temps in Switzerland. It’s the latest of several publications abroad to feature articles where Choices is featured.

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Abortion Bans are a Global Menace to Women

As reported by the Global Fund for Women, “The Trump administration is exporting these anti-choice measures with the global gag rule. The global gag rule prohibits organizations from receiving funding from the U.S. government if they provide  services, referrals, and advocacy related to abortion internationally – even with non-U.S. government financing.

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We need a Planetary Alarm for the Women of the World!

Women make up just over half of the 35 million people living with HIV worldwide, and the virus is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age. This has devastating implications for huge communities of people worldwide.

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Celebrate Pride and Gear Up for Struggle

Fifty years ago on June 28, 1969, patrons at the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village, NYC, made history when they fought back against a police raid, beginning six days of protests against rampant harassment and discrimination.

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Legal Abortion in the U.S. is On the Line: What Will You Do?

The act of abortion positions women at their most powerful, and that is why it is so strongly opposed by many in society. Historically viewed and conditioned to be passive, dependent creatures, and victims of biological circumstance, women assume the power over life and death with the choice of abortion—it is THEY who decide when and whether to bring new life into the world.

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Women Assaulted by Anti-Abortion Laws and Lies from Coast to Coast

Statistics often put people to sleep. But any …

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A Message From Merle

Choices Welcomes YOU, No Matter Where You Live!

Women are crossing state lines again to come to Choices for safe and legal abortions that they cannot get elsewhere – And we welcome all of them! – Merle Hoffman, Founder/President Choices Women’s Medical Center

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Having Mental Problems? No Surprise – You’re Female!

Women’s History Month is a good time to discuss and address the difficulties of being female in a diversity of societies in the world today. The World Health Organization has done just that in a report on Gender Disparities and Mental Health.

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Learning from History on International Women’s Day

In 1987, March was officially declared Women’s History Month in the USA. With the attacks piling upon abortion and on women’s very right to a life of her own choosing and in some cases on her very life itself, it’s no time for feel-good  pats-on-the-back or congratulatory high-fives.  Read the rest of this newsletter to find out more. And let’s pay tribute to the brave marchers of 1908 by heeding their example and getting ready to pick up the pace of struggle.

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International Women’s Day – Women’s History Month

March 8, 1908: Women demanded dignity and respect.
March 2019: So where are we today?

On March 8, 1908, many thousands of women garment workers poured out of New York City’s firetrap factories and demanded decent working and living conditions. Their bold action inspired March 8 to be celebrated all over the world. Some of the specifics of women’s lives may have changed since then, but their cry to be treated like human beings with dignity and respect, a cry for justice and freedom, is just as relevant and just as necessary today as then.

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Causette Magazine features Choices: États-Unis Avortement sous protection rapprochée

Causette Magazine features an article on abortion, Choices Women’s Medical Center, Merle Hoffman and the state of the abortion battle in the United States.

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Putting Love into Practice

Choices escorts are out every Saturday attempting to protect women against the harassment and bullying of anti-choice demonstrators.

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Black History Month at Choices

One key issue looming large, especially this month: Why are maternal and infant mortality rates disturbingly high in the Black community? And what is being done about it?

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What’s Love Got to Do With It?

“The entire issue of surrogacy is another arena …

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Merle Hoffman and Choices Women’s Medical Center attend “Wickedest Woman”

Recent Events Jessica O’Hara Baker in the lead …

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CHOICES February 2019 Newsletter

Recent events and news for February 2019 including a Message from Merle, Black History Month, Reproductive Health News, Baby M and commercial surrogacy, and the Day of Zero Tolerance.

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New York abortion law: Why are so many people talking about it? reports that on the 46th anniversary of Roe v Wade, the landmark US ruling that made abortion legal, NY signed a new abortion rights bill that Merle Hoffman finds “overdue”.

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The New Reproductive Health Act (RHA) in New York State – What Does it Mean for You?

The first thing you need to know is that in New York State abortion services to 24 weeks of pregnancy will remain available and accessible to all women and teens with no restrictions. Choices has been proud to offer these services in complete confidentiality since 1971.

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