Abortion Resources

Abortion is a legal and very safe procedure to end a pregnancy. CHOICES was one of the first medical clinics to offer abortion services when New York State legalized abortion in 1971, two years before it became legal nationally in 1973. Since that time, millions of women in the U.S. have chosen to have abortions. One in four women in this country has an abortion before the age of 45.


CHOICES is here to give you accurate information about your pregnancy and the options you have.

Should I get an abortion?

Every person who considers abortion has their own specific and important reasons. In making your decision about ending or continuing your pregnancy, you need to think about what is important to you and what future you want for yourself and your family.

Only YOU can make this decision. Only YOU know what’s best for you. As you think about this, it is important to know that many, many women and teens consider this over their lifetimes, and about 1 in 4 will decide to have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. There are as many reasons to have an abortion as there are women and girls who make that decision.  

CHOICES is here to give you accurate information about your pregnancy and the options you have. When you come for your appointment, you will meet with one of our licensed social workers for an Options Counseling Session to go over abortion, adoption and prenatal care. She will help you consider what’s important and right for you, and CHOICES will support you in whatever decision you make.

Who can I talk to about having an abortion?

You may want to talk things over with people you trust and love, but you do not need their permission. There are no restrictive abortion laws in New York State and no parental consent requirements.

CHOICES has caring, non-judgmental, professional Certified Social Workers who will answer all your questions, including about financial assistance, abortion procedures, and prenatal or adoption options. We are here for YOU, to give you the information you need to help you make the right decision for YOU.

Dealing with fetal demise is one of the most challenging situations a woman will have to face.

Because most of these fetal conditions are diagnosed in the second trimester, decisions must be made within specific time frames and a host of medical information has to be taken into consideration.

Because these decisions are so very personal and touch upon the core beliefs of each woman and her partner, the most important part of this process is Trust.

Trust in the facility, the staff and the process that CHOICES has evolved over almost ½ of a century of the highest standards of women’s health care.

Our clinicians, social workers and physicians are there to support, educate and guide each woman thru their decision because we trust that within this circle of care and attention, each woman will make the best choice for herself and her family.

At CHOICES, patients who have experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth are offered Anora testing to gain a better understanding of what genetic conditions they may or may not carry. Patients will complete a blood test and should be asked to return to CHOICES to receive their results within five days. If the test results show a patient is positive for a genetic condition that resulted in the miscarriage or stillbirth the medical provider will refer the patient to a genetic specialist who will help develop a plan for moving forward.

CHOICES accepts many forms of payment. We accept all insurances, including State Medicaid from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland and New York. If you live in New York, you can apply for Emergency Medicaid in our office for an abortion that day. Reasonable self-pay and sliding scale plans are available. We accept cash and all major credit cards. In addition, CHOICES works with funding organizations that raise money for abortions to make sure no one will be turned away because of financial need. When you call for an appointment, ask to speak with one of our Financial Counselors.

To see if you qualify for emergency medicaid, take our quiz.

Take the Emergency Medicaid Quiz

CHOICES is here for our visitors from out of state!

Patients come to Choices Women’s Medical Center from all over the country and around the world because of our reputation as a leader in providing the best quality abortion care and reproductive health services. Since 1971 we have provided with no waiting periods or other restrictions.

Top-rated physicians and medical facilities send patients to us for abortion care because they know they will be cared for with compassion, confidentiality, and the highest level of skill. All of this makes CHOICES the first choice of many patients who need abortion care and live outside New York City.

CHOICES is conveniently located in Queens, New York near JFK Airport and an easy commute via subway, train, bus or car from all New York City boroughs and the tri-state region.

CHOICES also offers special assistance for our out-of-town patients. When you call for an appointment, ask to speak to an Out-of-Town Counselor who will help you with all your needs: transportation to and from NYC, overnight housing if needed and financial assistance. And remember, everything is entirely confidential.

New York State allows abortion up to 24 weeks with NO limitations. NO age restrictions. NO requirements that you notify parents or partners, NO waiting periods. In most cases, you can get a next-day appointment at CHOICES. Your decision about what to do about an unwanted pregnancy is entirely up to you. Your pre-abortion counseling session will answer all your questions and give you all the information you need to make an informed decision that is right for you.

If you are coming for a procedure that requires two days (generally between 13 and 24 weeks of pregnancy) or traveling from a long distance, you may need to stay overnight. CHOICES can recommend nearby hotels. We can also connect you with Haven Coalition, a volunteer network of caring people who will host your stay at one of their homes and, if needed, can arrange for someone to accompany you to your appointment at CHOICES.

We are here to assist you, no matter where you’re from.

CHOICES' out-of-town program was internationally recognized in the leading British newspaper the Guardian.

For women who are not able to pay for an abortion and do not have insurance or other resources, we can work out financing so abortion can be free or low-cost. We partner with funding agencies so no one need to be afraid they will be turned away. If you live in New York State you may qualify for Emergency Medicaid which covers all pregnancy-related services, including abortion. Click here to visit our financial help page.

To see if you qualify for emergency medicaid, take our quiz.

Take the Emergency Medicaid Quiz

COVID19 Safety Measures

In accordance with New York State and City Health Guidelines, CHOICES takes all necessary precautions to keep our patients and staff safe. This includes having your temperature taken when you enter and wearing a mask inside. We encourage you to bring an escort with you who will be given your ID number to use when they pick you up to take you home after the procedure. Because of health precautions, your escort will not be able to wait inside CHOICES. Please be sure you have a way to contact them after the procedure and you have been discharged. (See below.)


When you arrive at CHOICES, you will need to show your ID and insurance card at the check-in desk inside the main entrance. You will be issued an ID number that will be used only for identification. Throughout your visit, you will be called by this number instead of your name in order to protect your privacy. You will have a bracelet placed on your wrist with identifying information and be given a privacy notice and a patient information sheet for you to fill out in the waiting room. Your escort must remember your ID number as CHOICES’ staff will not release any information about you to anyone who does not know your ID number.


You will be asked to provide a urine sample, and blood will be drawn for necessary testing.


A sonogram will be taken to determine the length of your pregnancy. Later In your counseling session, your provider will discuss the results with you and will show you the sonogram if you wish.


This is a private time for you to discuss any concerns you may have. The counselor will help you be sure that you are secure with your choice and understand all of your options before continuing with the abortion procedure. You will need to sign a consent form for the abortion procedure.


A nurse will call you into the intake area. Your vital signs (blood pressure and temperature) will be taken. You will be asked to change into a medical gown and will put your personal items into a bag for safekeeping. You will wait here until the doctor is ready to see you. If you need an EKG, this will happen before your Doctor sees you.

Procedure Room

When you are called for your procedure, a Medical Assistant will bring you into the Procedure Room. Your doctor will review your medical history and the procedure with you and answer any questions. Your doctor will talk with you to see if you are in need of any testing that needs to be done at this time, as well as future birth control options. In most cases, you will be given sedation (put to sleep) for the procedure. You will not feel, hear or see anything during the procedure which generally takes between 5-15 minutes.


When you wake up, the procedure will be over. You will be in the Recovery Room on a bed, and a nurse will be attending to you. It is common to have cramps when you wake up, and the nursing staff will monitor you to be sure that you are recovering normally. Once you are ready, you will be moved to the Discharge Area.


In Discharge, you will rest on a reclining chair, have a snack and be given aftercare instructions. A nurse will assess your vital signs to determine when you are ready to leave. You should be able to go home after about 45-60 minutes. The exact time can vary, and the physician will make the final determination. Once we have determined that you are feeling well enough to go home, you will meet with the Discharge Nurse who will go over your aftercare instructions and answer any questions you may have. After checking your vital signs again, you will be free to leave with your escort. If you have any concerns or questions after leaving, you can always call us, and we will help in whatever way we can. In two weeks you will return for a follow-up appointment.

abortion facility

Why Choose CHOICES

Our providers are very experienced, and many are female. They use the best and safest abortion methods available, and CHOICES has won high ratings for safety and care.

Your abortion care, your concerns and all your personal information will be kept completely private.

There are no waiting periods, age restrictions or permission needed from parents or partners. Abortion Care at CHOICES is affordable. Help is available. You can apply for Emergency Medicaid in our office for an abortion that day. All insurances are accepted, and reasonable self-pay plans are available. We work with Abortion Funding Sources to make sure no one will be turned away.

Your questions and needs are our priority. Licensed clinical social workers will meet with you to discuss all your concern.

Still Undecided?

Choose the type of abortion that is best for you.

Medical Abortion (Medication Abortion)

(Up to 11 weeks)

  • Have an abortion in the privacy of your home, or a place that is comfortable to you.
  • Prefer to have the choice of being alone to having others with and around you during the abortion process.
  • Time period includes 3-4 hours at CHOICES including registration, lab work, sonogram, counseling, and meeting with a provider, and 48 hours at home.
  • Extreme pain, cramping and bleeding and, sometimes, nausea, diarrhea or chills.
  • Heavy bleeding and cramping during the passing of the pregnancy.
  • Only 91-95% effective, may require repeat medical abortion (medication abortion) or surgical abortion.

Surgical Abortion

(Up to 24 weeks)

  • Faster procedure. Most in-clinic abortion procedures take about 5-10 minutes, while medical abortions (medication abortion) can take up to 48 hours to complete.
  • Procedure is done at a licensed health center with professional nurses, doctors, and trained staff with you the entire time.
    Minimal pain and can be asleep during your abortion.
  • Most effective form of first trimester abortion, almost 100% effective, extremely rare to require a repeat procedure.
  • Must be done in-clinic and you will be at CHOICES for about 4-5 hours including registration, lab work, sonogram, counseling, the procedure, and recovery.
  • You must have an escort with you if you plan to be asleep during your procedure.

Pregnancy Calculator

Enter The First Day of Your Last Period to See Your Options

Please use this calculator before selecting your options from the appointment form below. Note: Seeing a trained medical professional is the only way to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available.

After Your Surgical Abortion Instructions

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these frequently asked questions…

For the next 14 days, do not have sexual intercourse and do not put anything in your vagina. Do not take baths and do not douche. No tampons. Don’t do anything that might expose you to infection, and don’t do anything that could tire you out and lower your resistance to infection.

If your temperature is 100.4F or more, call us between 8am–10pm.

Nausea should go away in a few days. Please call us if it doesn’t. The morning following your abortion, you should resume normal activities. Feel free to return to work or school, take a shower, and resume activities such as walking or driving.

Most women who have abortions start menstruating again 4 to 6 weeks afterwards. Some menstruate sooner. If you do not menstruate after 8 weeks, come to Choices. Please remember that you will be able to get pregnant as soon as you ovulate again, which will be 12 to 16 days before you get your period. That means you will be able to get pregnant again within days of your abortion.

You might experience bleeding during the next 10–14 days. If you do bleed, a period-like flow is normal. It may stop and start, and the flow is often very dark red in color. Strenuous activity can increase bleeding.

If you soak through more than 2 sanitary napkins in 1 hour, you are experiencing heavy bleeding. Call us between 8 am - 10 pm.

Some women don’t bleed or have bleeding that stops and starts. However, if you are not bleeding and also experiencing severe cramps, call us between 8am-10pm.

You might experience moderate cramping for a few days. You can take Tylenol (or any other aspirin-free pain medication) every 4 hours and use a heating pad on your abdomen over your clothes. If you don’t feel relief after 4 hours, or if you experience sharp abdominal pain, call us.

  • Tampons... not for 7 days
  • Vaginal sex... wait for 7 days
  • Birth control... 7 days without sex and back to the birth control method you discussed with your counselor
  • Nothing into your vagina for 7 days

Call 718-786-5000 24/7 if..

  • If a fever over 100.4 F continues
  • You soak more than 2 maxi pads an hour for more than 2 hours
  • You experience severe cramps
  • You notice a foul vaginal odor

6-9 weeks:

9-11 weeks:

How to Take Your Abortion Pills and What to Expect

You will take 2 sets of pills for your abortion…

  • DAY 1: You will take a pill at the clinic on Monday 1 (called Mifepristone).
  • If you throw up within 15 minutes of taking Mifepristone, please return to CHOICES. Do not take the next 4 pills!
  • DAY 2 or 3: You will take 4 pills (misoprostol) on Day 2 or Day 3, 24-48 hours after taking mifepristone on-site (see right).
  • You may take ibuprofen (Motrin) for the pain. Follow the instructions on the back of the ibuprofen bottle.

Wet your mouth and put 2 pills on one side of your mouth and 2 pills on the other, between your gums and cheek at the same time. Allow them to dissolve.

After 30 min, swallow what’s left.

Cramping and bleeding normally start within 4 hours. It can last for hours and is heaviest when the pregnancy comes out. You may not see small pregnancies, which are only up to half an inch.

  • Bleeding can be heavy. You may see large blood clots the size of a lemon
  • You may feel sick to your stomach and/or have diarrhea
  • You may have mild fever or chills for a little while

Bleeding: May start and stop for a few days or weeks. You may bleed like a normal menstrual period for 1 to 2 weeks. You should have your normal period again 4 to 8 weeks later.

Cramping: You will cramp less and less as the hours and days go by.

Nausea: This should go away in 1 to 2 days after you take misoprostol. 

Fever and Chills: You may have a fever and chills the day you take the misoprostol pills. Call us if your fever gets higher than 100.4 F.

Activity: Normal activities like school, work, and driving can occur as soon as you feel up to it. 

Breast Changes: Tenderness and a milky discharge may occur for 1 to 2 days. 

Feeling Tired: You may feel tired for 1 to 2 days. 

  • Take pain medication. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN because it will cause you to bleed more
  • Put a hot water bottle or heating pad on your belly
  • Take a shower or sit on the toilet
  • Have someone rub your back
  • Tampons… not for 7 days
  • Vaginal sex… wait for 7 days
  • Birth control… 7 days without sex and back to the birth control method you discussed with your counselor
  • Do not insert anything into your vagina for 7 days
  • If a fever over 100.4 F continues after the day you take misoprostol
  • You soak more than 2 maxi pads an hour or more than 2 hours
  • You pass multiple “big” (larger than the size of a lemon) blood clots
  • You bleed heavily for more than 12 hours in a row
  • You throw up for more than 4 to 6 hours

Schedule Your Appointment

Our team of board-certified medical professionals and support staff offer safe, trusted, comprehensive care and services at the highest level. Our state-of-the-art facility is located in the heart of Jamaica Queens, NY.

Schedule an appointment with CHOICES today.

Holiday Hours

Choices is closed on Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25th, 2024, and New Year’s Day, Wednesday, January 1st, 2025. We will reopen for normal business hours the following day after each holiday. Click the button below to contact us or learn more about scheduling an appointment.