50 Years of Choices (1971-2021)
It was 1971, 50 years ago, one half of a century, when I saw my first patient in a small medical center in Queens, NY.
It was 1971, 50 years ago, one half of a century, when I saw my first patient in a small medical center in Queens, NY.
These times are stressful for everyone. We know patients are very concerned…
When some members of the New York City Council heard about all the abortion restrictions being passed by other states, they wanted to do something. One Councilmember, Carlina Rivera, told the NY Times that many in NY felt “helpless.”
Merle Hoffman is featured in “Abortion, a new American cultural war,” an article in the French-language Epaper Le Temps in Switzerland. It’s the latest of several publications abroad to feature articles where Choices is featured.
The act of abortion positions women at their most powerful, and that is why it is so strongly opposed by many in society. Historically viewed and conditioned to be passive, dependent creatures, and victims of biological circumstance, women assume the power over life and death with the choice of abortion—it is THEY who decide when and whether to bring new life into the world.
Statistics often put people to sleep. But any one of the new laws should be enough to cause waking nightmares for everyone concerned about women’s
Women are crossing state lines again to come to Choices for safe and legal abortions that they cannot get elsewhere – And we welcome all of them! – Merle Hoffman, Founder/President Choices Women’s Medical Center
Recent events and news for February 2019 including a Message from Merle, Black History Month, Reproductive Health News, Baby M and commercial surrogacy, and the Day of Zero Tolerance.
For decades, Merle Hoffman has taken great interest in the state of reproductive care in Russia. On her last trip, she brought a delegation from Choices, state-of-the-art abortion technology, and her profound concept of Patient Power. Years later, she is still encouraging women to embrace themselves as experts of their own experiences.
Women now find themselves having to travel significant distances for abortion services. There are several reasons why. More states are implementing abortion waiting periods. Choices Women’s Medical Center offers abortion services to 24 weeks for out of state patients.
Before Roe, there was Choices Women’s Medical Center. Choices has always welcomed women from other cities and states. In fact, our very first patient was from New Jersey. Today our out-of-town program is more important than ever with the new restrictions on abortion worldwide.
Recent legislature in certain states has made it difficult and sometimes impossible for women to access vital abortion services close to home. Choices understands how
Choices Women’s Medical Center is committed to meeting the needs of our patients, regardless of age, gender identity, nationality, or culture, in a safe, comfortable environment that is completely confidential.