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International Women’s Day – Women’s History Month

March 8, 1908: Women demanded dignity and respect.
March 2019: So where are we today?

On March 8, 1908, many thousands of women garment workers poured out of New York City’s firetrap factories and demanded decent working and living conditions. Their bold action inspired March 8 to be celebrated all over the world. Some of the specifics of women’s lives may have changed since then, but their cry to be treated like human beings with dignity and respect, a cry for justice and freedom, is just as relevant and just as necessary today as then.

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CHOICES February 2019 Newsletter

Recent events and news for February 2019 including a Message from Merle, Black History Month, Reproductive Health News, Baby M and commercial surrogacy, and the Day of Zero Tolerance.

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46 Years of Roe v. Wade: The Struggle Continues

This historic action was defined by the Philadelphia Inquirer as “an important strategic change in the movement,” and I was also quoted on the cover of the New York Times Metro Section saying, “Women’s rights are in a state of emergency.” Ten years later in 1998, I wrote the following list of action items to guide the pro-choice movement into the future.

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