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Second Trimester Abortion (Late Term Abortion)

CHOICES offers in-clinic second-trimester abortion (late-term abortion) to women up to 24 weeks pregnant, no matter your personal circumstances, your income, or your age. CHOICES provides free abortion pregnancy testing, and no-cost abortion options are available if you qualify. 

surgical abortion

Second Trimester Abortion

(Late Term Abortion - 13 to 24 Weeks of Pregnancy)

Second Trimester Abortion is performed between 13-24 weeks of pregnancy with a process called Dilation and Evacuation (D&E), a gentle opening of the cervix and emptying of the uterus using suction and surgical instruments. Second Trimester or late term abortion at CHOICES is either a one-day or two-day procedure, depending on how far along you are in the pregnancy. Two-day procedures occur on consecutive (back-to-back) days, either Tuesday and Wednesday or Friday and Saturday. Our late term abortion providers are highly skilled and some of the most experienced doctors in the United States providing this specialized care.

What To Expect During A Second Trimester Abortion

Once you have made the decision to have a Second Trimester / Late-term Abortion, these are the things that will make up your one-day or two-day visit with us:

Day 1

When you arrive at CHOICES, you will need to show your ID, COVID-19 Vaccination Card or negative COVID-19 Results, and Insurance card at the check-in desk inside the main entrance.  You will be issued an ID number that will be used only for identification. Throughout your visit, you will be called by this number instead of your name to conform to HIPAA Regulations and protect your privacy.  You will have a bracelet placed on your wrist with identifying information and be given a privacy notice and a patient information sheet for you to fill out in the waiting room. Your escort must remember your ID number as CHOICES’ staff will not release any information about you to anyone who does not know your ID number.

A sonogram will be taken to determine the length of your pregnancy. Your sonographer will not discuss the results with you, but these will be shared by your counselor or provider.  You may also view the sonogram if you wish, and a copy of your sonogram can be requested after your visit through our Medical Records department.

You will be asked to provide a urine sample, and blood will be drawn for necessary testing. If required, a Rapid COVID-19 test may be performed.

This is a private time for you to discuss any concerns you may have. The counselor will help you be sure that you are secure with your choice and understand all your options before continuing with the abortion procedure. They will also review your full medical history. You will also need to sign a consent form for the abortion procedure. Social workers are available for individuals that present specific issues that require further discussion, evaluation, and/or referral.

A nurse will call you into the intake area, an area with a tv shared with other patients awaiting services that is monitored by a medical professional.  Your vital signs (blood pressure and temperature, height, weight) will be taken. You will be asked to change into a medical gown and will put your personal items, including cell phone, into a locker for safe keeping. You will wait here until it your time to be seen. The doctor determines if you need an EKG or medical clearance, or any other pre-op medication or diagnostic test, and this will happen prior to your procedure. 

When you are called for your procedure, a Medical Assistant will bring you into the Procedure Room.  Your doctor will review your medical history and the procedure with you and answer any questions. Your doctor will talk with you to see if you need any testing that needs to be done at this time, as well as future birth control options. On the first day, a sterile product called cervical dilators are inserted by the doctor into the cervix to gently dilate the cervix overnight. This takes only a few minutes. You may also receive an injection into the uterus to stop the pregnancy from growing and make it safer to remove the pregnancy the following day. You will receive a prescription for an antibiotic to prevent infection. Please take them as directed and finish all the pills.

Day 2

You will return to CHOICES in the morning to have the pregnancy removed. This procedure takes approximately 10-15 minutes. If your pregnancy is between 21-24 weeks, you will be given an additional medication to prepare the cervix and be monitored by nurses for an additional two hours prior to your procedure.

When you wake up, the procedure will be over. You will be in the Recovery Room on a bed, and a nurse will be attending to you. It is common to have cramps when you wake up, and the nursing staff will monitor you to be sure that you are recovering normally.  Once you are ready, you will be moved to the Discharge Area.

In Discharge, you will rest on a reclining chair, have a snack and be given aftercare instructions. A nurse will assess your vital signs to determine when you are ready to leave.  You should be able to go home in less than 1 hour, once it’s deemed clinically safe by assessment. The time can vary, and the physician will make the final determination. You will also receive a prescription for an antibiotic to prevent infection after your procedure, and the discharge nurse will schedule your follow-up visit and provide more information and answer any questions you may have on birth control. You will be free to leave with your escort. If you do not have an escort, you will be required to remain for 2 hours in the Recovery room and sign an Against Medical Advice form. Should you have any concerns or questions after leaving, you can always call us, and we will help in whatever way we can. We have 24-hour answering services and depending on the nature of the call, we will be able to help with an RN or Physician.  If you misplace your After Your Surgical Abortion instructions, you can find them posted below:

Surgical Abortion Discharge Instructions

In two weeks, you will return for a post-abortion evaluation appointment. If you are unable to return to CHOICES for your follow-up, please schedule an appointment with your routine gynecologist for this care two weeks after your abortion. If you are traveling from out of state, we will provide individualized instructions for your after care.

In accordance with New York State and City Health Guidelines, CHOICES takes all necessary precautions to keep our patients and staff safe. This includes having your temperature taken when you enter and wearing a mask inside. We encourage you to bring an escort with you, who will be given your ID number to use when they pick you up to take you home after the procedure. Because of health precautions, your escort will not be able to wait inside CHOICES. Please be sure you have a way to contact them after the procedure, and you have been discharged.  

abortion clinic

One Day Second Trimester Abortion

In some cases of pregnancy up to 16 weeks, you may have the option to have a one-day Second Trimester Abortion based on provider availability. If you are having a one-day Second Trimester abortion, you will go through the process of sonography, lab, counseling, and intake, however, you will also be given three tabs called misoprostol orally to prepare the cervix for the procedure. These pills will be placed inside your mouth, in your cheeks to dissolve and not be swallowed. You will be monitored while these tabs dissolve for 90 minutes by a team of registered nurses prior to the procedure. After 90 minutes, you will be ready to be taken to the procedure room to continue with the process of an in-clinic abortion.

After Your Surgical Abortion Instructions

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these frequently asked questions…

For the next 14 days, do not have sexual intercourse and do not put anything in your vagina. Do not take baths and do not douche. No tampons. Don’t do anything that might expose you to infection, and don’t do anything that could tire you out and lower your resistance to infection.

If your temperature is 100.4F or more, call us 8am–10pm.

That should go away in a few days. Please call us if it doesn’t. The morning following your abortion, you should resume normal activities. Feel free to return to work or school, take a shower, and resume activities such as walking or driving.

Most women who have abortions start menstruating again 4 to 6 weeks afterwards. Some menstruate sooner. If you do not menstruate after 8 weeks, come to CHOICES. Please remember that you will be able to get pregnant as soon as you ovulate again, which will be 12 to 16 days before you get your period. That means you will be able to get pregnant again within days of your abortion.

You might experience bleeding during the next 10–14 days. If you do bleed, a period-like flow is normal. It may stop and start, and the flow is often very dark red in color. Strenuous activity can increase bleeding.

If you soak through more than 2 sanitary napkins in 1 hour, you are experiencing heavy bleeding, and you should call us immediately.

If you are soaking through 2 or more sanitary napkins in 1 hour, you are bleeding heavily. Call us between 8am-10pm.

Some women don’t bleed or have bleeding that stops and starts. However, if you are not bleeding and also experiencing severe cramps, call us between 8am-10pm.

You might experience moderate cramping for a few days. You can take Tylenol (or any other aspirin-free pain medication) every 4 hours and use a heating pad on your abdomen over your clothes. If you don’t feel relief after 4 hours, or if you experience sharp abdominal pain, call us.

Seek CHOICES' advice or care if the following occur:

  • You soak through more than 2 pads within 1 hour
  • Have sharp abdominal pain
  • Have a fever over 100.4 degrees
  • Have a foul vaginal order

Call 718-786-5000 between 8:00 am-10:00 pm. Patients may speak to the nurse by remaining on the line for the after-hours representative. If emergency care is needed after 10:00 pm, please visit your nearest emergency room.

Pregnancy Calculator

Enter The First Day of Your Last Period to See Your Options

Please use this calculator before selecting your options from the appointment form below. Note: Seeing a trained medical professional is the only way to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available.

abortion facility

In-Clinic Abortion Care at CHOICES is:

Our doctors are very experienced, and many are female. They use the best and safest abortion methods available, and the Medical Center has won high ratings for safety and care.

Your abortion care, your concerns and all your personal information will be kept completely private.

There are no waiting periods, age restrictions or permission needed from parents or partners.

CHOICES offers free abortion pregnancy testing and financial help is available where you may qualify for a no cost medical abortion (medication abortion). You can apply for Emergency Medicaid in our office for an abortion that day. All insurances are accepted, and reasonable self-pay plans are available. We work with Abortion Funding Sources to make sure no one will be turned away. Call us for more information.

Your questions and needs are our priority. Licensed clinical social workers will meet with you to discuss all your concerns.

Have questions? Read our frequently asked questions or chat with one of our representatives.

Surgical Abortion Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Abortion is one of the safest out-patient medical procedures there is. It has been shown to be safer than a dental procedure and statistically to be nine times safer than childbirth.

There are no age restrictions for getting an abortion in New York State, and you do not need permission from anyone to get an abortion. CHOICES offers medical abortion (the “abortion pill”) to 10 weeks and surgical in-clinic abortion to 24 weeks of pregnancy. All of your medical care at CHOICES is entirely confidential. We do encourage teenagers to come with a trusted adult, but the decision to have an abortion or not is yours to make.

If you think you are pregnant, you can make an appointment at CHOICES or walk in for a Confirmation of Pregnancy visit. Abortion is available after the 5th week of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is too early to be confirmed during your visit, you will be evaluated and given a follow- up appointment.

Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, abortion is a simple in-clinic procedure performed by gentle suction (vacuum aspiration) to remove the pregnancy from your uterus. The procedure itself takes about 5 to 10 minutes, with additional time at CHOICES for preparation and recovery.

From 12 to 24 weeks of pregnancy, the procedure is called “D&E” (dilation and evacuation). This is a two-day procedure. On day one, your doctor will begin the procedure by inserting laminaria, a sterile product made specifically to dilate (open) the cervix. You can talk about this with a Counselor, and, if you choose, you can be put to sleep for the few minutes it takes for laminaria to be inserted. After this is completed, you can then go home. This procedure takes only a few minutes, but you will be at CHOICES for approximately 2 hours, including lab work and a private session with a Counselor where you will have a chance to talk about the procedure and raise any questions or concerns you may have. On day two the doctor will safely empty your uterus using gentle suction and medical tools. If you choose to, and if there are no medical contraindications, you will have deep sedation for a surgical abortion which will put you completely asleep during the procedure so you will not feel any pain. The procedure takes only 5-20 minutes, depending on how far along in pregnancy you are, but you should plan on being at CHOICES for several hours to include pre-operative preparation and recovery.

Dilation and Curettage (D&C) is a brief, safe surgical procedure to open the cervix and empty the contents of the uterus, usually using suction (vacuum aspiration). It is the most common method for treating early miscarriage as well as the preferred method of abortion up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Yes. All our doctors are licensed by the State of New York and specialize in pregnancy termination.

Your comfort and wellbeing are very important. If you choose to, and if there are no medical contraindications, you will have deep sedation for a surgical abortion which will put you completely asleep during the procedure so you will not feel any pain. After the procedure you may experience cramping, which can range from mild to moderate. In most cases Extra Strength Tylenol, Aleve or Motrin will relieve the cramping. If the cramping is not relieved with these remedies, you should call us immediately.

If for personal or medical reasons you need local anesthesia (a lidocaine injection), you will experience moderate to severe cramping during the procedure, but recovery time afterwards will be shorter.

Most patients experience some cramping that can be relieved by over-the-counter medications such as Extra Strength Tylenol or Advil. If that does not help, we ask the patient to call our 24-hour emergency number. You may take a shower after surgery. Do not take tub baths, douche, use tampons or have intercourse for two weeks. This is to prevent any risk of infection or a new pregnancy. Avoid any products that contain aspirin as aspirin promotes bleeding. Please see What To Expect After Your Procedure.

In almost all cases, surgical abortion is completely effective. A small percentage of cases will require reaspiration if unusual bleeding occurs or if there is retained tissue.

If you choose to pay out of pocket, the cost will vary from $600 to $3000, depending on how far along you are in pregnancy. If you need help paying for your abortion, CHOICES can help you in several ways. You may qualify for Emergency Medicaid which covers pregnancy-related services, including both medical (“the pill”) and surgical abortions. We can help secure funds for you from a funding agency or organization that will cover the cost. We also can help you work out a reasonable self-pay plan. Please call 718-349-9100, Ext 520 to speak with a CHOICES financial counselor who can assist you in abortion funding related questions. For more information on financial help click here.

If you have had a C-Section, there are certain limitations for surgical abortions at CHOICES. If you are in your first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy, you cannot have an abortion at CHOICES if you have had more than 3 C-sections. If you are 13-17 weeks pregnant, you cannot have an abortion at CHOICES if you have had more than 2 C-sections. If you are 18-20 weeks, you cannot have an abortion at CHOICES if you have had more than 1 C-Section. If you are more than 20 weeks pregnant, you cannot have an abortion at CHOICES if you have had a C-Section.

The deep sedation anesthesia that we offer is safe, effective and short acting. You will be asleep from 5-20 minutes depending on the procedure. There is always some degree of risk with any anesthesia, but serious complications with deep sedation are very rare at CHOICES. Most complications occur when a patient has had food or liquid within 8 hours of surgery. Tell your Counselor and doctor if you have had prior complications with anesthesia, if you have any allergies to medicine, or if you have had anything to eat or drink within 8 hours prior to your surgery.

The majority of our patients return to work or school the following day. Your CHOICES Social Worker and medical staff will explain the DO’s and DON’Ts after surgery, and the discharge nurse will provide you with after-care instructions that can be found here.

We ask that your partner or another trusted adult over the age of 18 accompany you to CHOICES and take you home afterwards. Because of special health measures we have adopted to protect our patients from the Coronavirus, this person will not be able to come inside CHOICES with you. You will need to arrange to call them when you are ready to go home and have them pick you up. A special contact number will be provided to your escort the day of your appointment to check on your progress. What transportation is best for you and your escort to use to go home will depend on how you are feeling.

Patients have many different feelings after having an abortion. This is very dependent your own psychology, reasons for the choice and support from family partners and friends While you are at CHOICES, all our staff strives to be as compassionate, empathetic and supportive as possible. Most women after their abortions state that they feel a sense of relief. Research studies have shown that there are no long term negative psychological effects from having an abortion. You will have a chance to talk through thoroughly any concerns or questions you may have with a Counselor before the procedure to help you decide if this is the right choice for you and your life.

In most cases the bleeding lasts for 2 to 3 weeks after the abortion. However, some patients do not experience any bleeding, and other patients have spotting or bleeding off and on. For more information see CHOICES After-Care instructions.

Normally, your regular menstrual cycle will resume 4 to 8 weeks after the surgery.

You will be able to get pregnant as soon as you ovulate again, about 12 to 16 days before you get your period. This means you will be able to get pregnant again within a few days of your abortion.

It is important that you return for your 2-week post-operative check-up to make sure your recovery is going well. If you do not have a period in 8 weeks, please call us.

You should not use tampons for two weeks after your abortion. Sanitary napkins should be used to decrease the possibility of infection and to monitor the amount you are bleeding.

You should avoid strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting (over 15 pounds) for two weeks after the procedure.

You should not have vaginal sex for two weeks after your procedure. When you return for your 2-week checkup, your doctor will advise if you can resume sexual intercourse. We recommend that you abstain from sexual activity for two weeks because after your procedure you are more susceptible to infection and becoming pregnant again.

When deep sedation is administered, gag reflexes are temporarily suppressed. If food or liquid remain in the stomach, vomiting can occur and can cause suffocation.

The tissue is sent to a licensed and accredited Laboratory for analysis and is disposed of in accordance with the mandates of State law.

Schedule Your Appointment

Our team of board-certified medical professionals and support staff offer safe, trusted, comprehensive care and services at the highest level. Our state-of-the-art facility is located in the heart of Jamaica Queens, NY.

Schedule an appointment with CHOICES today.