Abortion Pill

Medication Abortion: Early, At-Home Abortion

Medical Abortion (Medication Abortion), also called the “Abortion Pill” is a non-surgical, safe, and effective early option to end a pregnancy up to 11 weeks. If you qualify, you can get a no-cost medication abortion at CHOICES. If you are more than 11 weeks from the first day of your last period, you can have an in-clinic abortion to end your pregnancy.

abortion pill

The Abortion Pill Process

The medical abortion (medication abortion) process has two steps and includes two different medicines.

Step 1: First, at CHOICES you take a pill called mifepristone which stops the pregnancy from growing.

Step 2: Second, at your home, 24 to 48 hours after taking the first pill, you take another set of 4 pills called misoprostol. The second pill empties the uterus, and you will experience cramping and heavy bleeding. The pills can also cause pain, and sometimes, nausea, diarrhea or chills. After the pregnancy tissue is expelled, the bleeding and pain become much less.

When you arrive at CHOICES, you will need to show your ID and Insurance card at the check-in desk inside the main entrance. You will be issued an ID number that will be used only for identification. Throughout your visit, you will be called by this number instead of your name to conform to HIPAA Regulations and protect your privacy. You will have a bracelet placed on your wrist with identifying information and be given a privacy notice and a patient information sheet for you to fill out in the waiting room.

A sonogram will be taken to determine the length of your pregnancy. Your sonographer will not discuss the results with you, but these will be shared by your counselor or provider. You may also view the sonogram if you wish, and a copy of your sonogram can be requested after your visit through our Medical Records department.

You will be asked to provide a urine sample, and blood will be drawn for necessary testing.

This is a private time for you to discuss any concerns you may have. The counselor will help you be sure that you are secure with your choice and understand all your options before continuing with the abortion procedure. They will also review your full medical history. You will also need to sign a consent form for the medication abortion. Social workers are available for individuals that present specific issues that require further discussion, evaluation, and/or referral.

A medical assistant will call you into a triage room and take your vital signs (blood pressure and temperature, height, weight). Next, you will meet with a provider who will review your medical history, discuss future birth control options, and give detailed directions about where, when, and how to take the medicines. The medical or medication abortion process has two steps and includes two different medicines.

The abortion-by-pill has a success rate of 91-95%. You must come back to CHOICES two weeks after for your post-abortion checkup and sonogram to make sure that your abortion has been successful, and your uterus is empty. If you are unable to return to CHOICES for your follow-up, please schedule an appointment with your routine gynecologist for this care two weeks after your abortion. If you are traveling from out of state, we will provide individualized instructions for your after care. If your abortion is not complete, you may need to repeat the process or have an in-clinic surgical abortion.

Pregnancy Calculator

Enter The First Day of Your Last Period to See Your Options

Please use this calculator before selecting your options from the appointment form below. Note: Seeing a trained medical professional is the only way to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available.

Medical/Medication Abortion Care at CHOICES is:

Our doctors are very experienced, and many are female. They use the best and safest abortion methods available, and the Medical Center has won high ratings for safety and care.

Your abortion care, your concerns and all your personal information will be kept completely private.

There are no waiting periods, age restrictions or permission needed from parents or partners.

CHOICES offers free abortion pregnancy testing and financial help is available where you may qualify for a no cost medical abortion medical abortion (medication abortion). You can apply for Emergency Medicaid in our office for an abortion that day. All insurances are accepted, and reasonable self-pay plans are available. We work with Abortion Funding Sources to make sure no one will be turned away. Call us for more information.

Your questions and needs are our priority. Licensed clinical social workers will meet with you to discuss all your concerns.

Have questions? Read our frequently asked questions or chat with one of our representatives.

abortion facility

How to Take Your Medication Abortion Pills and What to Expect

You will take 2 sets of pills for your abortion…

DAY 1: You will take a pill at the clinic Monday 1 (called Mifepristone).

  • If you throw up within 15 minutes of taking Mifepristone, please return to CHOICES. Do not take the next 4 pills. 

DAY 2 or 3: You will take 4 pills (misoprostol) at home on Day 2 or on Day 3, 24-48 hours after taking mifepristone on-site.

  • You may take ibuprofen (Motrin) for the pain. Follow the instructions on the back of the ibuprofen bottle.

Wet your mouth and put 2 pills on one side of your mouth and 2 pills on the other, between your gums and cheek at the same time. Allow them to dissolve.

After 30 min, swallow what’s left.

Cramping and bleeding normally start within 4 hours. It can last for hours and is heaviest when the pregnancy comes out. You may not see small pregnancies, which are only up to half an inch.

  • Bleeding can be heavy. You may see large blood clots the size of a lemon
  • You may feel sick to your stomach and/or have diarrhea
  • You may have mild fever or chills for a little while

Bleeding: May start and stop for a few days or weeks. You may bleed like a normal menstrual period for 1 to 2 weeks. You should have your normal period again 4 to 8 weeks later.

Cramping: You will cramp less and less as the hours and days go by.

Nausea: This should go away in 1 to 2 days after you take misoprostol. 

Fever and Chills: You may have a fever and chills the day you take the misoprostol pills. Call us if your fever gets higher than 100.4 F.

Activity: Normal activities like school, work, and driving can occur as soon as you feel up to it. 

Breast Changes: Tenderness and a milky discharge may occur for 1 to 2 days. 

Feeling Tired: You may feel tired for 1 to 2 days. 

  • Take pain medication. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN because it will cause you to bleed more
  • Put a hot water bottle or heating pad on your belly
  • Take a shower or sit on the toilet
  • Have someone rub your back
  • Tampons… not for 7 days
  • Vaginal sex… wait for 7 days
  • Birth control… 7 days without sex and back to the birth control method you discussed with your counselor
  • Do not insert anything into your vagina for 7 days
  • If a fever over 100.4 F continues after the day you take misoprostol
  • You soak more than 2 maxi pads an hour or more than 2 hours
  • You pass multiple “big” (larger than the size of a lemon) blood clots
  • You bleed heavily for more than 12 hours in a row
  • You throw up for more than 4 to 6 hours

Abortion Pill Frequently Asked Questions

The abortion pill, also called medical or medication abortion, or RU486, is a method to end pregnancy non-surgically with medication. This method is available to women under 11 weeks or 77 days of pregnancy.

Yes. It is one of the two methods of abortion offered at CHOICES. It is covered by most insurances and Medicaid.

If you are under 11 weeks of pregnancy or less than 77 days pregnant you can qualify for the “abortion pill” also known as medical abortion (medication abortion).

The medical abortion process (abortion pill) has two steps and includes two different medicines. First, at CHOICES you take a pill called mifepristone which stops the pregnancy from growing. Second, at your home, 24 to 48 hours after taking the first pill, you take a set of 4 pills called misoprostol. The second set of pills empties the uterus, and you will experience cramping and heavy bleeding during this process. The abortion-by-pill has a success rate of 91-95%.

There are no special preparations for medical abortion (the abortion pill). When you come in for your appointment, you will have lab work and a sonogram done, and you will meet with a licensed Clinic Social Worker to discuss your pregnancy options, the abortion procedure, and any concerns or questions you may have.

At your appointment you will have the opportunity to discuss your pregnancy options, the details of the abortion procedures, and any questions or concerns you may have. Your social worker and your doctor can give you the information you need to help you make an educated decision about what is best for you. You can also go here for a brief summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Yes, CHOICES offers free urine pregnancy testing. The urine pregnancy test detects pregnancy approximately four weeks after conception or about two weeks after your first missed period. This test can detect pregnancy as early as 10 days after conception. All testing can be done on a walk-in basis.

Yes. If you need help paying for your abortion, CHOICES can help you in several ways:

  • You may qualify for Emergency Medicaid which covers pregnancy-related services, including both medical (“abortion pill”) and surgical abortions. Take our Emergency Medicaid Quiz to see if you qualify here.
  • We can help secure funds for you from a funding agency or organization that will cover the cost.
  • We can help you work out a reasonable self-pay plan.

Please call 718-349-9100, Ext 520 to speak with a CHOICES' financial counselor who can assist you in abortion funding related questions.

Yes. When you call for an appointment, ask to speak with a CHOICES' financial counselor who can assist you in applying for funding in private, without your parents’ knowledge or involvement.

Medical abortion (medication abortion), also known as the “abortion pill,” is available for $600, which includes your first visit and a follow-up visit.

In a small percentage of cases, the medicine given for non-surgical abortion does not cause an abortion (a miscarriage). In these cases, the patient could require a surgical abortion procedure.

Appointments are always recommended. You may also walk-in for specific services. You can call 718-786-5000 to speak to one of our representatives or make an online appointment for any of our services. Chat is also available 24/7 on the bottom of every page of our website.

No. Your pregnancy test is performed when you arrive for your appointment.

After you have met with a CHOICES' counselor and discussed all the issues surrounding your pregnancy, we hope you will be committed to your decision. However, sometimes circumstances and minds can change.

Studies on the abortion pill show that if you take the first medicine, but not the second, the abortion pill is less likely to work. So, if you’ve begun the process of having an abortion by the abortion pill but are having second thoughts, it is very important to contact CHOICES right away to talk about your best next steps and what to expect. CHOICES has nurses available 24/7 by calling 718-786-5000.

CHOICES accepts all major insurances that cover medical abortion (medication abortion), subject to verification. Most insurance, including Medicaid, covers medication abortion/ abortion pill services.

CHOICES also works with the following funding agencies to cover the cost of an abortion: MAC (Midwest Access Coalition), NAF (National Abortion Federation), NYAAF (New York Abortion Access Fund), NNAF (National Network of Abortion Funds), Texas Choice, The Brigid Alliance, WRRAP (Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project).

Please click here to view our financial assistance page on our website for more information.

The “morning-after pill,” also known as Plan B, helps prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex. Plan B is NOT an abortion pill. It does NOT affect or stop an existing pregnancy.

We have the “Morning After” Pill at CHOICES. It is NOT an abortion pill. It does NOT affect or end an existing pregnancy. Also known as Plan B, the “Morning After” pill helps prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex. Plan B is covered by most insurances and Medicaid.

Schedule Your Appointment

Our team of board-certified medical professionals and support staff offer safe, trusted, comprehensive care and services at the highest level. Our state-of-the-art facility is located in the heart of Jamaica Queens, NY.

Schedule an appointment with CHOICES today.

Holiday Hours

Choices is closed on Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25th, 2024, and New Year’s Day, Wednesday, January 1st, 2025. We will reopen for normal business hours the following day after each holiday. Click the button below to contact us or learn more about scheduling an appointment.